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Water damage claims can be extremely difficult to present and settle. Most water damage cases are not as visible as you may think. With a water damage case, extreme care should be taken so that it can be attacked properly. At Summit, we will have specialized appraisers come in to inspect your property, bring infrared cameras to see hidden damages, use moisture meters to estimate the amount of moisture in the walls or area, as well as many other hi-tech methods to make sure your claim is investigated and appraised properly. We will also bring in an authorized restoration company to prepare a proposal of what is needed to be done, as well as have them get moving on any emergency areas to prevent further damage, which your insurance company requires you to do.

It is your responsibility to protect your loss from further damage. We at Summit Public Adjusters,inc are here to protect your interests, as well as make sure you get the settlement you deserve . With water damage, case experience is very important, and we have those experts lined up ready to answer the call. In certain cases you may think you can just mop it up or dry it out when in fact our infrared cameras will reveal continued dampness. If you handle it on your own, you may be stuck with a heavy mold situation in the future that could have been prevented by hiring Summit Public Adjusters' expert staff.

Water damage perils include: pipe breaks, sewage backups, windstorm, and flood damage, as well as many other perils. We suggest you call our firm for a no obligation review of your claim. Remember, water travels to places you will never know; don't let your insurance company tell you to just use some dryers and mops to clean it up, when mold could become a major health issue for your family. Take advantage of our no obligation policy, let our firm come to your property to inspect the damages thoroughly. If mold has already grown, we suggest that you do not handle it on your own, it is hazardous to your health.

Water Damage